WEDI Committee and Workgroups to Create Framework for HIE
The Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange (WEDI) is a non-profit organization established in 1991 by Health and Human Services (HHS). WEDI’s mission is to improve the use of health information technology and reduce healthcare system costs. In 1993, WEDI released an original report that provided the healthcare industry with a roadmap for transitioning to electronic data interchange standards.
On the 20th anniversary of this original report, WEDI is looking to create a 2013 report to serve as a guide on the future of health information exchange. The 2013 WEDI Report is overseen by an Executive Steering Committee that includes members from the healthcare and corporate worlds as well as government agencies, including the ONC and CMS.
In early April the committee held its first meeting, discussing the pressing issues impacting both clinical and administrative processes related to electronic health information. At this meeting the committee identified key “megatrends” they believe will provide a framework for the crafting of the 2013 WEDI report, focusing the report in four area:
- Consumer (patient) engagement through improved access to pertinent data
- Alternative payment models and requisite business, information, and exchange requirements
- Existing standards for exploring ways to better align administrative and clinical information capture, linkage, and exchange
- Business cases for innovative encounter models using existing and emergent technologies
Now subworkgroups are being formed for each of these four topic areas and you can get involved. The four new subworkgroups are:
Patient Enablement Subworkgroup
This subworkgroup works to enable patient engagement by developing and evaluating methods for identifying patients uniquely, creating and updating capabilities of electronic patient history and evidence of benefits, and improving patient access to, trust in, and usability of electronic healthcare data. Learn more about this subgroup.
Payment Models Subworkgroup
This subworkgroup evaluates methods to enhance the current fee-for-service delivery model to derive greater efficiencies. Evaluate attributes of alternative payment models for delivering value by associating cost and quality of service delivery to price (e.g., better care at lower cost), and outline a core set of business, information, and exchange requirements. Learn more about this subgroup.
Data Harmonization & Exchange Subworkgroup
This subworkgroup works to identify factors that impede alignment of administrative simplification, meaningful use, and clinical code set standards and exchange (e.g., complexity, information fragmentation, and program silos), and ways to achieve better alignment of each that will add value to the healthcare system and business processes at lower cost. Learn more about this subgroup.
Innovative Encounter Models Subworkgroup
This subworkgroup evaluates business cases and return on investment (ROI) for innovative encounter models (e.g., electronic visits and communication, electronic monitoring, telemedicine) using existing and emergent technologies that will foster enhanced collaboration between patients and providers at a lower cost and with increased value, and compare characteristics to in-person patient encounters. Learn more about this subgroup.
To learn more about the 2013 WEDI Report or to get involved in one of these four subworkgroups visit the WEDI website.