7 Behaviors of Health Systems Who are the Most Successful with Digital Health

Joshua Liu, MD

Co-founder & CEO at SeamlessMD
LinkedIn: Joshua Liu
X: @joshuapliu
Co-host: The Digital Patient Podcast
Musings and Insights

7 behaviours of health systems who are the most successful with Digital Health:

1️⃣ Total organizational buy-in

It’s not Dr. X’s research project.

It’s not an administrative leader’s pet project.

It’s not an order from the C-suite.

It’s an organizational initiative where everyone is bought-in and committed to success.

2️⃣ Success is tied to existing health system priorities

The initiative has goals that support an existing priority – e.g. improving length of stay, readmission rates, ER visit rates, cost of care.

If a higher priority doesn’t hinge on the success of the initiative, no one will care to make it successful.

3️⃣ Ensure all stakeholder groups are involved in implementation

When everyone – the nurses, physicians, allied health, office staff, IT, etc – are all part of the process, they feel a strong sense of ownership to make it successful.

It’s their collective baby.

Which means everyone works hard and works together to make it successful.

4️⃣Obsessed with measuring results early and often

They don’t need to wait for 12 months or 1,000 patient sample sizes to learn if the initiative is working.

They’ll start looking at data as soon as the first 100 patients have participated.

So they can course correct quickly or grow faster if it’s working.

5️⃣Quick to scale the innovation hospital-wide

Most health systems won’t commit to a system-wide rollout from Day 1.

But the most successful ones move quickly from deploying in a few departments to system-wide rollout in a couple of years.

If it works, they go all-in.

When you have momentum in your organization you have to grab it.

And the ROI accumulates faster.

6️⃣Excellent at internal promotion of the innovation to drive staff engagement

They know that patients will only engage with Digital Health if their healthcare team also engages with it.

But engagement starts with awareness, and the best organizations make sure every staff member knows about the initiative and commits to promoting it to patients.

7️⃣ Celebrate and share success to motivate and sustain support

They ensure results and ROI are shared and celebrated at every level of the organization – from frontline staff to C-suite to the Board to publicly in the community.

Whether big or small, they keep sharing the wins early and often.

What would you add?

The Digital Patient

The Digital Patient takes an “edu-taining” approach to all things digital patient care. On this show hosts Dr. Joshua Liu, and Alan Sardana talk with healthcare, technology, and innovation leaders about the latest advancements in digital health, trends in digital transformation, and strategies for optimizing the patient experience.