A Year of Healthcare Podcasts

A Year of Healthcare PodcastsHealthcare Podcasts that were Golden

Day 5 of our 12 Days of Christmas Posts sparkles with a list of healthcare podcasts from our radio station, HealthcareNOWradio.com. It was a year filled with MU Live! as we made the move to radio format at HIMSS12. We followed this with the debut Voice of the Doctor hosted by Dr. Nick van Terheyden. In the fall Engage4Health with Brad Tritle made it into the line up.

We have to thank the many experts and thought leaders who lent their time to the process. All were terrific. With close to a year of programs we have made our list of the top shows of 2012. You can listen or download the podcast of these shows at Top Shows of 2012 on the station.

MU Live! every Tuesday at 2pm ET.

  1. Dave deBronkart @ePatientDave, Nationally recognized Patient Advocate discussing patient engagement and patient empowerment.
  2. Dr. Joseph Kim, President of MCM Education discussing barriers and opportunities to EHR adoption.
  3. Eric Dishman, Social Scientist and Intel Fellow discussing patient engagement and the aging population.
  4. Justin Barnes, co-chair of the Accountable Care Community of Practice Consortium, the past chairman HIMSS EHR Association and a VP at Greenway Medical Technologies (@HITAdvisor) discussing interoperability.
  5. Dr. Robert Dolin, President and CMO of Lantana and Chairman of the Board at HL7 discussing how the underlying standards for meaningful use are built to support Big Data.
  6. Rick Kam, President and Co-founder of ID Experts discussing security, privacy, and personal health information.



Engage4Health every Monday at 3:30pm ET.

  1. Guest Jane Sarasohn-Kahn from HEALTHPopuli.



Voice of the Doctor every Friday at 2:30pm ET.

  1. Dr. Howard Luks discussing the role of social media in medicine.
  2. Dr. Ashish Jha Associate Professor of Health Policy and Management, Harvard School of Public Health discussing why EHRs alone don’t equal better outcomes.
  3. Dr. Eric Topol cardiologist, genetic researcher, and technologist discussing current state of medicine and the challenges, individualized medicine vs group thinking, patient engagement and the power of mobile health technology, and genome sequencing.



12 Days of Christmas Posts

Day 1: No Reindeer Games Here – It’s a Health IT Sledfest
Day 2: A Year of Health Information Technology on Twitter
Day 3: Health IT Business News Wrap-Up – December 16, 2012
Day 4: Health Information Technology Year End List of Lists