AI and Automation Can’t Solve Everything for Healthcare Providers

Joshua Liu, MD

Co-founder & CEO at SeamlessMD
LinkedIn: Joshua Liu
X: @joshuapliu
Co-host: The Digital Patient Podcast
Musings and Insights

AI may predict a patient’s risk of mortality… but you still need protocols for how to act on that risk prediction, otherwise that alert just sits uselessly on your screen.

AI may recommend more personalized treatment options… but no one is better than you to truly understand the patient and engage in shared decision making.

AI may automate reminding patients to follow a treatment plan… but patients will only buy-in to the treatment because of their trust in you.

AI may automatically document your patient encounter… but you still need to review, sign off and be accountable to whatever’s in the note.

AI may coordinate staff schedules faster and smarter than any human… but healthcare staff will only show up engaged and motivated if you can inspire and support them.

AI may draft a response to a patient portal message… but you still need to decide if that’s the best course of action.

AI will be an incredible assistant, partner and sounding board. It will help us do things faster and smarter.

But for the foreseeable future, human providers must and will remain in the driver’s seat – with AI as an amazing GPS and sometimes on auto-pilot.

… as it should be.

Agree or disagree?

The Digital Patient

The Digital Patient takes an “edu-taining” approach to all things digital patient care. On this show hosts Dr. Joshua Liu, and Alan Sardana talk with healthcare, technology, and innovation leaders about the latest advancements in digital health, trends in digital transformation, and strategies for optimizing the patient experience.