An Eligible Professional’s Soliloquy

How Soon Can I Attest?

To attest, or not to attest: that is the question:

Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to attempt

The slings and arrows of MU Core and Menu measures,

Or to take arms against a sea of Clinical Quality Measures,

And by documenting end them? To purchase an EHR: to use paper;

No more; and by an attestation to say we end

The heart-ache and the thousand patient encounters

That we cannot read, ’tis a consummation devoutly to be wish’d.

To use an EHR, to document;

To document: perchance to qualify: ay, there’s the rub;

For in that documentation of patient encounters what rewards may come

When we have attested off this Meaningful Use,

Must give us pause: there’s the respect

That makes going digital of so much for concern;

For who would bear the burden of when I meet the $24K

Threshold and maximize my incentive,

CMS[1] will, they will hold the payments until the proud EP meets the threshold,

The pangs of concerns over when to attest,

The answer, I need not delay,

And thus as soon as I have used the certified EHR for 90 days,

And meet the thresholds for each measure,

The attesting[2] of my numerators and denominators can begin.

Be all my incentives achieved.

[2] Attestation Tutorial

This MU soliloquy was provided by Wayne Singer, a seasoned veteran in the healthcare industry.  Wayne has 30 plus years of experience in healthcare including 15 years in marketing to the Health IT space with Practice Management, EHR, ADT applications and Clinical Wound Management Software  in the Software as Service (SaaS) space. He is current on the requirements of CCHIT, Drummond, InfoGard, ICSA Labs, SLI Global Solutions, Surescripts, ARRA, MIPPA, ACO, HITECH and all of the requirements and stages needed to demonstrate “meaningful use”. He is an expert in demonstrating how computer aided decision support applications fit into the workflow of physicians’ offices, multi specialty clinics and hospitals.