National eHealth Collaborative Releases Health IT Stakeholders Survey
National eHealth Collaborative (NeHC) is a public-private partnership with a mission to advance the secure and interoperable exchange of health information nationwide. NeHC was established through a grant from the ONC to build on the accomplishments of the American Health Information Community (AHIC), a federal advisory committee under HHS. The collaborative is led by some of our most respected thought leaders in health IT.
At HIMSS13 last week the organization released the results of its annual Stakeholder Survey. The survey’s intent is to gather opinions from a wide range of health IT stakeholders on topics ranging from patient engagement to health information exchange. Survey participants included hospital executives, health information exchange leaders, EHR vendors and other health IT stakeholders.
Key Findings
Echoing the HIMSS Annual Leadership survey, participants indicated that privacy and security was the top health IT and HIE challenges to address for 2013. Other findings include:
- Ability to improve care coordination most important driver of health information exchange adoption
- Breadth and pace of change required of stakeholders and cost topped the list of barriers to widespread health IT and HIE adoption
- Increasing interoperability was seen as the top goal of governance
- Establishing specific platforms and requirements was listed as the top priority for the ONC
- Patient/caregiver checks lab and other diagnostic results online was listed as the most important characteristic of patient engagement in health IT
- Meeting patient engagement requirements for Stagae 2 Meaningful Use was seen as the top patient engagement priority
Late last year NeHC released its patient engagement framework. The framework is intended to support healthcare organizations in developing and improving their patient engagement strategies in a health IT environment. You can hear Kate Berry, CEO of NeHC, discuss the results of the survey and this framework below on one of our HIMSS Highlights from the conference.
You can download a PDF of the survey on the NeHC website.