August’s Most Played Episodes

Healthcare NOW Radio streams programming 24/7, with a focus on health information technology and healthcare delivery. The station currently averages over 38,000 listeners per month and the companion podcast channel averages 72,000 plays per month. Below we have listed the top three most played episodes in the month of August including two of our popular podcasts and one of our radio shows. Combined these three episodes have over 609 plays!

Here are the most played episodes now on-demand:

#1 PopHealth Week: Meet Justin Monger, CEO, MedSure Systems

On this episode of PopHealth Week, hosts Fred Goldstein and Gregg Masters welcome Justin Monger, CEO of MedSure Systems, a medication management service that enables better patient outcomes, improved practice operations, and reduces total spending. Medication nonadherence can account for up to 50% of treatment failures, around 125,000 deaths, and up to 25% of hospitalizations each year in the United States. And it is estimated that chronic care medication has only 50% of adherence. Justin shares insights on their program that builds relational care to truly change behavior with couching, partnering, and empathetic human listening.

#2 FINN Voices: Todd Doze, CEO, Janus Health

On this episode of FINN Voices, host Beth Friedman interviews Todd Doze, CEO of Janus Health, a revenue cycle technology company, about the unexpected hurdles and “gotchas” health systems experience when building, implementing and maintaining AI platforms. Todd also shares specific examples of AI to automate the prior authorization process with positive outcomes his clients have experienced and what’s ahead. If your organization is looking to implement AI in your revenue cycle, this podcast is for you!

Follow the show’s social hashtag #FINNVoices.

#3 Tell Me Where IT Hurts: Kat McDavitt, President of Innsena and CEO of the Zorya Found

On this episode of Tell Me Where IT Hurts, host Dr. Anders interviews Kat McDavitt, President of Innsena; CEO of the Zorya Foundation and host of the Health Tech Talk Show. Together, they delve into recent regulatory proposals like HTI-1/2 and TEFCA, exploring their potential impacts on healthcare interoperability and data sharing. They also tackle challenges faced by rural healthcare providers, the importance of personal connection in care, limitations of AI and more.

Follow the show’s social hashtag #TellMeWhereITHurts.