Articles by Industry Expert

4 Takeaways from AHIP 2022

By Parth Shah – It is refreshing to finally be back in the full swing of in-person conferences and events, and I feel particularly energized and excited for the future of healthcare upon returning from AHIP 2022 in Las Vegas.

Non Invasive Continuous Glucose Monitoring

New On Demand Dr. Nick: The Incrementalist: With guest Phil Bosua, CEO at Know Labs. Phil has a long and interesting background as an inventor and early producer of apps making over 600 before he moved on to invent the portable scanner “ScanBox” and LIFX – the reinvented wifi-connected color-tunable light bulb.

Ten Million Missed Cancer Screenings

By Sarah Larsen – During the first year of the Covid pandemic, patients missed around 10M potentially life-saving cancer screenings. The CDC encourages health care professionals to minimize delays in testing by continuing routine cancer screening, and helping patients safely access screening through interventions such as navigation (both human and digital).

Inequity in Healthcare and How to Remedy It

New On Demand Healthcare Upside/Down: With guest Carladenise Edwards, Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer of Henry Ford Health in Detroit. They examine the risks posed by a widening digital divide and describes what Henry Ford Health is doing to ensure that the growth of digital health can benefit the entire community.

What is the Digital Front Door?

By Art Gross – The traditional way to see your healthcare practitioner was to call the office, schedule an appointment and when the time came, go to the office for your visit. You’d get there and then open the front door to attend your appointment.