Articles by Industry Expert

An Upcoming Milestone in Our Interoperability Journey

By Jeff Smith, Tony Myers, & Papia Paul – It’s going to be a busy year – a really busy year. In 2022, much of the promise of the 21st Century Cures Act comes to certified health IT near you. ONC dutifully monitors industry progress towards certification to the 2015 Edition Cures Update, which introduces new standards and functionalities that will benefit our health care system in a variety of ways.

What Would Florence Think?

New On Demand Healthcare Upside/Down with guests Ralph Egües, Jr., Executive Director of the Nursing Consortium of South Florida, and Maria Suarez, President of the Nursing Consortium of South Florida; Assistant Vice President of Nursing at the Miami Cancer Institute, Baptist Health South Florida; and an experienced nurse.

Addressing the Tortoise in the Oncology Clinic

By Robert E. Winkler MD – COVID-19 vaccines were developed extremely fast, approximately nine months from pandemic emergence to FDA approval in the U.S. This is, by a landslide, a record for one of the fastest development (and approval) of a vaccine, and significantly faster than traditional R&D timelines.