Articles by Industry Expert

Augmenting the Home Care Team

New On Demand Dr. Nick: The Incrementalist: With guest David Hunt, Founder & President of the Cosán Group – which is Gaelic for path, a path that David has been on since growing up in the Boston area with a tight knit family.

2022 ISA Reference Edition Now Available

By Andrew Hayden – We are pleased to ring in the new year with the release of the 8th annual update of the Interoperability Standards Advisory Reference Edition, ONC’s catalog of curated standards and implementation specifications for health information interoperability that reflects extensive feedback from industry and federal agencies.

2021: An AHRQ Year in Review

By David Meyers MD – Turning the calendar to a new year is a time for taking stock—reflecting on our accomplishments and setting our sights on where we want to go next. Throughout 2021, when many Federal employees have worked remotely, we acknowledge the efforts and sacrifice of so many who have continued to be on the front lines of care.

Is Value-Based Reimbursement Mostly Dead or Slightly Alive?

By David Burda – One of my favorite scenes in The Princess Bride is when Miracle Max tells Inigo and Fezzik that Westley is “mostly dead,” which means he’s “slightly alive.” There’s hope for a full recovery. We can say the same thing about value-based reimbursement, if we have as much faith in a few recent VBR status reports as Inigo and Fezzik have in Miracle Max.

3…2…1…TEFCA is Go for Launch

By Micky Tripathi & Mariann Yeager – The Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement is now available. Within the health information technology world, few things have been as elusive as a governance framework for nationwide health information exchange.

Today’s the day for Project US@

By Steven Posnack & Carmen Smiley – We recently announced the release of the Project US@ Technical Specification Final Version 1.0 and thereby completed our one year goal to coordinate the creation of a health care specification that could be used across the industry for representing patient addresses (mailing, physical, billing, etc.).