Articles by Industry Expert

What We Heard: Health Interoperability Outcomes 2030

By Steven Posnack – What should 2030 look like because of interoperability? That’s what we asked our stakeholders back in May 2021. And boy, did you all deliver! We received an overwhelming number of submissions, north of 700 one-liners, from Twitter and We even got video submissions from leaders in the field – thank you again!

Medicare Punishes 2,499 Hospitals for High Readmissions

By Jordan Rau – The federal government’s effort to penalize hospitals for excessive patient readmissions is ending its first decade with Medicare cutting payments to nearly half the nation’s hospitals. In its 10th annual round of penalties, Medicare is reducing its payments to 2,499 hospitals, or 47% of all facilities.

Telehealth Becoming Widespread Across Healthcare

By Mark Kestner MD – While the use of telehealth to provide patients with health-related services is not new, the COVID-19 pandemic has expanded its use exponentially. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 30% of health center visits during the later half of 2020 occurred via telehealth.

Serving the 99%

New On Demand Dr. Nick: The Incrementalist: With guest Walter Jin, CEO at Pager, a virtual care company that integrates care across different platforms and channels with the goal of democratizing access of healthcare to the widest possible population, nationally and internationally, as possible.