Articles by Industry Expert

Thinking Outside the Box: The USCDI+ Initiative

By Ryan Argentieri, Elisabeth Myers, Steven Posnack & Micky Tripathi – Astute readers of the Health IT Buzz Blog (are there any other kind?) and those familiar with ONC’s 21st Century Cures Act Final Rule will recall that we’ve talked a lot about the United States Core Data for Interoperability.

CommonWell TV 2021: The Next Evolution in Health IT

By Jennifer Smith – One of the best things about working in health IT is having a front row seat into the constantly evolving world of digital health. I have a unique appreciation, both professionally and personally, for the complex work that goes into ensuring data is available and usable to improve the patient experience.

Improving Discharge Processes with Intelligent Automation

By Jason Harber – Struggles with capacity management have been common in hospitals for so long that it sometimes feels baked into the system. Unclear discharge priorities, misaligned staffing, unexpected barriers, siloed information, lapses in communication, and a lack of real-time visibility all lead to delays in and reduced access to patient care.