Articles by Industry Expert

Healthcare Apps, Data Privacy and Security Risks

By Susan Walberg JD – Healthcare apps have become increasingly prevalent, with people using them for counting steps, monitoring their calories, or linking to various medical devices, to name just a few examples. Since the COVID outbreak, however, and the explosion of telehealth as a healthcare option, these apps have proliferated at an insane rate.

Electronic Health Records and The Security Rule

By Art Gross – Patient care in a digital age means that most information is stored electronically. These records, known as electronic Protected Health Information, are collected as EHRs and then stored in a variety of systems. With the HIPAA in mind, how do you maintain security around the ePHI beyond the EHR?

Scientific Rankings for the Informatics Professor

By William Hersh MD – While I agree with those who argue that scientific rankings, especially based on bibliographic citation indicators, are limited in their measurement of a scientist’s impact, I must admit a certain fascination with them. Perhaps that stems from my interest in dissemination and retrieval of scientific information generally.

Talent Tuesday: Overpaid and Untrusted Healthcare Executives

Talent Tuesday: Brought to you by David Burda and 4sight Health – If an individual’s compensation is commensurate with their performance, then health insurance and hospital executives really stink at their jobs so says a new public opinion poll conducted by the U of Chicago HSPH and the Associated Press NORC.

Applying HIPAA to Digital Health

By Matt Fisher – The aim of the recent Getting Back to Basics post was to re-establish the key fundamentals of how HIPAA operates. To summarize in a sentence, HIPAA applies to certain defined entities working or interacting with healthcare information related to an individual.