Articles by Industry Expert

Challenges in Healthcare Cybersecurity

By Art Gross – The healthcare industry is always a top target for cybercriminals, but cybersecurity doesn’t always take the top spot when it comes to business concerns or plans in this sector. While we hear about breaches happening on a regular basis, we don’t seem to act at the same rate. What are the challenges that healthcare faces when it comes to giving cybersecurity the respect it deserves?

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Dave’s Dispatch: Healthcare’s Dystopia: A Patient’s Lament

By David W. Johnson – As a lifelong soccer fanatic, I’ve enjoyed “Ted Lasso” more than any TV show in recent memory. Lasso is a wily American football coach, with no soccer experience, brought to England to manage a Premier League team. Among the show’s many colorful characters is Dani Rojas. For Dani, “Football is life.”

Medical Grade Monitoring at Home

New On Demand Dr. Nick: The Incrementalist: With guest James Mault, MD, CEO of BioIntelliSense, who started out as a Cardiopulmonary technician and found his path and career by way of a mentor, Bob Bartlett with the father of ECMO to become a Cardiothoracic surgeon.

What Medical Practices Need to Know About Map Listings Today

By Scott Zeitzer – Location is often a key factor for patients when choosing a doctor. It’s no wonder that map listings are one of the top ways that patients search for doctors. Patients may be willing to travel for certain procedures and skills, but when it comes to care providers that they will see on a regular basis, patients are more likely to choose doctors in close proximity to where they live whenever possible.