Articles by Industry Expert

A Road Well Traveled – Sunsetting the Interoperability Roadmap

By Steven Posnack MS MHS – Over six years ago, ONC embarked with all of you on an ambitious initiative to create a shared, nationwide interoperability roadmap (the Roadmap). In typical fashion, we produced a draft, many of you shared your comments (about this time in 2015), and we released the final Roadmap in October, 2015.

Dave’s Dispatch: Value-Based Payment Reform

By David W. Johnson – The Biden Administration’s “Hesitation” on Value-Based Payment Reform – I listened to Jessie Colin Young’s “Miss Hesitation” nonstop during my first year in college. The song narrates the smooth-talking singer’s failed attempts at romance.

The Tricorder is Finally Here

New On Demand Dr. Nick: The Incrementalist: With guest Arvind Thiagarajan, founder and CEO of HD Medical that is saving patient lives through early diagnosis. “If you’re a doctor, you can help thousands of patients. But if you’re a doctor’s doctor, solving their problems with technology, you can not only help thousands of doctors, but through them reach millions of patients.”