Articles by Industry Expert

Moving Forward Together: Addressing Health Equity

By Matt Fisher – Inequalities and disparities exist throughout society and industries, an issue that has become ever more apparent and spotlighted throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Focusing on healthcare, the inequities are impacting non-white patient populations and with each report found to exist across what appears to be every aspect of healthcare.

The Top Urgent Care Billing Challenges Driven by the Pandemic

By Monte Sandler – The U.S. urgent care industry has been faced with numerous and novel financial challenges throughout the COVID-19 pandemic thus far. Like most industries, urgent care clinics have had to pivot and adapt their business processes and workflows to best navigate new and unfamiliar territory, and this is especially true when it comes to COVID-19 billing and reimbursement.

Doctors Tell How to Make the Most of Your Telehealth Visits

By Julie Appleby – When the pandemic sidelined in-office visits at his practice, Dr. Dael Waxman “wasn’t exactly thrilled with being at home.” But he quickly shifted gears to video and telephone appointments. Now, he finds, there are good reasons to keep these options open even as in-office visits have resumed and many parts of the country have sharply loosened coronavirus restrictions.

Debunking Common Misconceptions About Telemedicine

By Dan Matthews – Telemedicine did not originate with the advent of COVID-19, of course. The technology long predates the pandemic and the era of global lockdowns. However, as the virus raged around the world, healthcare providers and government officials alike were compelled to go all-in on virtual healthcare.

Dave’s Dispatch: Healthcare Hypocrisy

By David W. Johnson – This month’s song is our riff on Joe South’s 1969 megahit “Games People Play.” It’s a song about posturing, bravado and hypocrisy. It describes people who are “Never saying what they mean now. Or meaning what they say.” Our version emphasizes the need for healthcare companies to stop playing games and offer American fair, transparent and high-value healthcare services.

Star Trek Medical Bay for Your Home

New On Demand Dr. Nick: The Incrementalist: With guest Miles Romney, CTO and co-founder of eVisit. Miles has an unusual and interesting background, he is a health IT expert who also produces Broadway musicals and has even won a Tony Award.