Articles by Industry Expert

How to Fix the EHR’s UX Problem

By Baha Zeidan – Numbers don’t lie; according to a recent Mayo Clinic Proceedings article, a cross-sectional survey of nearly 900 US physicians from all specialty disciplines assessed the useability of their EHRs using the System Usability Scale, and the mean SUS score was an appalling 45.9 out of 100.

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Inadvertent Exposure

By Art Gross – You know that your data is valuable. It might not be in the obvious way, and you might be unaware that it is the collective data that provides hackers with more power over you. Proposed changes to the HIPAA Privacy Rule might lead to an inadvertent way of exposing that patient data.

A Road Well Traveled – Sunsetting the Interoperability Roadmap

By Steven Posnack MS MHS – Over six years ago, ONC embarked with all of you on an ambitious initiative to create a shared, nationwide interoperability roadmap (the Roadmap). In typical fashion, we produced a draft, many of you shared your comments (about this time in 2015), and we released the final Roadmap in October, 2015.