Articles by Industry Expert

Reminder, Provide Access to Data

By Matt Fisher – The Office for Civil Rights started 2021 off with another settlement of alleged non-compliance with the HIPAA right of access. The settlement, as noted by OCR, is the 14th right of access settlement since OCR began its targeted focus on this issue in late 2019.

Learn From Others

By Art Gross – The office for Civil Rights gathered information at the end of 2020 that is important for any covered entity or business associate that operates under HIPAA guidelines. Summarized in the U.S. Health and Human Service HIPAA Audits Industry Report, this data should be regarded as a useful tool for any business that deals with HIPAA, and one that they can learn from.

Six Tech Trends That Will Influence Physician Practices in 2021

By Roland Therriault – Every year presents new challenges to healthcare leaders, but 2020 threw a curveball like few others: Covid-19. Over the last 10 months, physician practices and their partners have had to rethink healthcare clinical and billing practices and embrace new technology even when they weren’t ready for it.

Global Partnership Leads the Way to Advance Digital Health

By Don Rucker – Across the globe, countries are making significant investments and advancements to promote the movement of electronic health information. Global health IT leaders are working collaboratively to develop, implement, and share best practices with other nations about projects that advance key elements of digital health.

Defining the New AHRQ: A Race for 21st Century Care

By Gopal Khanna MBA – What does a digital revolution mean for patient health? How will investments in data and technology transform the way healthcare is delivered in the United States? What new research and scientific evidence do we need to improve the delivery of care?