Articles by Industry Expert

Friday at Five – These 5 COVID-19 Resources Are Getting Tight

By Devin Partida – The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an unprecedented worldwide strain on health care resources around the world. These issues force medical professionals to do the best work they can without essential resources. Here are five of the most critical resource shortages they must contend with in their line of work.

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6 Ways Technology Improves The Hospital Experience

By Vinati Kamani – Healthtech advancements have come a long way from being innovations in the healthcare space to becoming everyday realities. Technology has a direct impact on the experiences that patients and their caregivers have when interacting with hospitals and healthcare facilities.

Labs on FHIR: Sharing Genetic Test Results

By Allison Dennis, Kevin Chaney, Tracy Okubo & Teresa Zayas Cabán – The use of genetic testing is becoming increasingly routine in patient care. For example, tests are available to check newborns for genetic disorders, screen would-be parents for carrier status, inform cancer care, and evaluate potential pharmacogenetic associations.

Artificial Intelligence and Healthcare

By Luke Smith – The artificial intelligence industry is exploding in value and functionality, effectively reshaping healthcare solutions in the process. By 2026, AI as an industry is expected to reach $150 billion. This value has been brought about by the game-changing treatments…

Safe Harbor Bill

By Art Gross – In our blog earlier last year that provided an overview of 2009’s HITECH Act we discussed how this was designed to promote the use of electronic health records within the healthcare system and its providers. As is with most things, time goes on and often reveals…