Articles by Industry Expert

Re-imagining AHRQ’s Insight Platform

By Gopal Khanna MBA & Joel Cohen PhD – As COVID-19 has continued its unrelenting advance across the Nation, urgent questions have confronted an often overwhelmed healthcare system: How many hospital beds are available in different locations around the country? How many are currently occupied? What is the capacity of hospitals to provide ICU and ventilator care?

Building a Pandemic Insight Engine

By Gerry Miller – The fragmented nature of health care and public health within the U.S hasn’t helped pandemic response. With the winter season now approaching, things just got worse. Combatting a new and highly contagious disease presents a wide range of challenging problems. But in many ways, our tools only exacerbate the issue.

The CMS ADT Mandate Is Coming. Are You Ready?

By Todd Thompson BSN RN – Are you ready to share admissions, discharge and transfer (ADT) data with other providers in 2021? Sharing this information can help improve care coordination and lower readmissions, while failing to do so can put you in violation of a new CMS mandate.