Articles by Industry Expert

“Mobilizing a Million Hearts” Through SMART on FHIR

By Kevin Chaney, Kristen Miller & Allison Dennis – Estimating risks and weighing the benefits of health interventions is a challenge for patients and their providers. Patients may wonder if they should be thinking twice before having that second portion of desert. Doctors may consider recommending a daily aspirin.

Image Diversity in Medicine

New On Demand Dr. Nick: The Incrementalist: With guest Art Papier, MD, a dermatologist and CEO and co-founder of VisualDx, a company offering a diagnostic clinical decision support system designed to enhance diagnostic accuracy, aid therapeutic decisions, and improve patient safety…

How Virtual Tech Supports Better Patient Care

By Devin Partida – The COVID-19 pandemic has presented the health care industry with some unique challenges while simultaneously being a technological turning point. Amid the chaos of the pandemic, medical systems around the world embraced new tech. One of the most promising of these advancements is virtual technology like telehealth and virtual reality.

Say “Hey!” to Project US@ – a Unified Specification for Address in Health Care

By Steven Posnack MS MHS – Standards come about for many reasons. They make things more efficient, cost effective, and safer to name a few. Often you’ll hear witty banter in the standards community (I know…right!?) about whether something is “fit for purpose.” This is also accompanied by the question, “what’s your use case?”