Articles by Industry Expert

Accelerating API and App Connectivity: Consumer Perspectives

By Kevin Chaney, Allison Dennis & Teresa Zayas Cabán – With the publication of the ONC Cures Act Final Rule, health IT developers, healthcare providers, and app developers now have formal direction regarding the content and transaction standards required for consumers to access their health information using standards-based APIs and healthcare apps.

People Proving to Be Weakest Link for Apps Tracking COVID Exposure

By Rae Ellen Bichell – The app builders had planned for pranksters, ensuring that only people with verified COVID-19 cases could trigger an alert. They’d planned for heavy criticism about privacy, in many cases making the features as bare-bones as possible. But, as more states roll out smartphone contact-tracing technology, other challenges are emerging. Namely, human nature.

The Resilience Room

New On Demand Dr. Nick: The Incrementalist: With guest Adam Gonzalez, Ph.D., Director of Behavioral Health at Stony Brook Medicine and the work they have done to mitigate ether enormous strains placed on healthcare workers dealing with the COVID19 pandemic.

Emotional AI and the Future of Nursing Education

By Luke Smith – Healthcare is set to be one of the biggest beneficiaries of artificial intelligence. The applications for data analysis as well as simplifying day-to-day tasks will help streamline healthcare and allow those within the industry to focus on what’s most important: patient outcomes, patient satisfaction, and patient empowerment.

No Business Is Too Small

By Art Gross – While the world might still be in varying states of chaos with regard to a multitude of topics, when it comes to HIPAA fines and enforcement of regulations, things are getting back on track.

Too Many Threats, Too Often

By Matt Fisher – It used to be that almost a day could not go by without the report of a phishing attack. Now seemingly a day cannot go by without a ransomware attack being reported. While phishing may be a route in, it is not the only way to get past an organization’s defenses.

IPA in Healthcare: Our Year to Catch Up

By Pavani Munjuluri – When it comes to intelligent process automation (IPA) in healthcare, multiple stakeholders drive technology adoption. Payers, providers and patients all bring their own unique interests and perspectives on how healthcare should operate and in what areas IPA should be used.