Articles by Industry Expert

Electrical Based Treatments

New On Demand Dr. Nick: The Incrementalist: With guest Peter Staats, MD, MPH, CMO for electroCore, CMO for National Spine and Pain Center, and President-Elect of the World Institute of Pain.

Head In the Sand Leads to HIPAA Fine

By Matt Fisher – Continuing a hot streak in the fall of 2020, the Office for Civil Rights announced another HIPAA settlement with a business associate on September 23, 2020. The $2,300,000 fine was imposed on a business associate following a months long cyberattack that resulted in the exfiltration of data for more than 6 million patients.

If You Connect It, Protect It

By Chase Higbee – Internet-connected devices have changed the world we live in. It has changed the way we shop, the way business is done, how we provide healthcare, and even how we communicate with one another. Some argue it has made the world a lot smaller and built a global community with the ability to instantaneously communicate around the planet.

Found With a Trace

New On Demand Dr. Nick: The Incrementalist: With guest Tom Goodmanson CEO of Calabrio, a customer focused contact tracing solution provider that has been working with state and local health and government technology leaders to rapidly build out contact tracing operations and manage the agent workforce.

LEAP in Health IT Program Overview, 2020 (and 2019) Awards

By Kevin Chaney, Tracy Okubo, Avinash Shanbhag & Teresa Zayas Cabán – The ONC announced the latest awards under its Leading Edge Acceleration Projects (LEAP) in Health IT funding opportunity, which supports innovation to address emerging challenges and advance the development and use of interoperable health IT.