Articles by Industry Expert

OSHA Recordkeeping Compliance for COVID-19 in the Workplace

By Sheba Vine – Under the OSHA recordkeeping regulations, employers are mandated to record serious occupational injuries and illnesses on the OSHA 300 Log. COVID-19 is a recordable illness if a worker is infected as a result of performing their work-related duties but how does an employer determine this?

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The Path Forward: A Better Normal

By Anish Mahajan MD – We’re all well aware of the unprecedented historical significance of the global public health situation managing the coronavirus pandemic. We’ve all had to shift our behaviors in how we do things ─ including changing the way we live and work.

Putting My Evidence Where My Mouth Is

By William Hersh MD – Although my career has mostly been focused on informatics, I have always considered evidence-based medicine to be a part of, or at least overlapping with, informatics.

Is HIPAA Obsolete?

By Jay Eisenstock – In 2003, the health care industry scrambled to comply with the HIPAA Privacy Rule. This rule is composed of regulations for the use and disclosure of Protected Health Information in healthcare treatment, payment and operations by covered entities.

Data Access Rights: Following HIPAA Correctly

By Matt Fisher – How and when can data be shared in a manner that is compliant with HIPAA? The answer to those questions is a lot broader and more frequently than many might expect. However, the expectation of limited sharing is exactly the root cause for data blockage that frustrates many individuals.