Articles by Industry Expert

What to Expect with Telemedicine After COVID-19

By Dr. Shashita Inamdar – The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has transformed the way healthcare practitioners and patients connect. To evaluate, diagnose, and treat patients, healthcare practitioners are increasingly using telemedicine during the pandemic. After the pandemic ends, healthcare practitioners should expect the use of telemedicine to continue.

Science not Politics

New On Demand Dr. Nick: The Incrementalist: With guest Richard Pan, MD, MPH, a pediatrician and California State Senator. He has been a leading advocate of increasing the health of everyone and raising California’s vaccination rates, sadly making him a target for online harassment and in-person assaults by conspiracy theorists and anti-vaccine groups.

Revenue Recovery and Cost-Management Strategies for Healthcare Leaders

In this two-part series of Value-Based Care Insights by Lumina Health Partners, hosts Daniel J. Marino and Shaillee J. Chopra first talk with colleague Kathy Najarian to learn her top strategies for working with payers to claim the revenue lost from decreased volume during the pandemic. Next, Rick Howard shares his insights on reducing cost by managing variable costs and doing more with what leaders already have.

Mask Mandate

By Art Gross – Whatever your opinion is of wearing, or not wearing a mask, there are in increasing number of mandates being put in place by governments or independent establishments in an effort to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.