Articles by Industry Expert

Nurses Take New Seats at the Leadership Table: Five RNs Speak Out

By Beth Friedman – Over the decades I’ve worked with (and for) several nurses. Each and every experience reinforces my belief that nurses are the bedrock of our healthcare ecosystem. They are the glue that holds our industry together, simultaneously supporting patients, patient families, healthcare teams, administrators, and more.

More FTC Privacy Action

By Matthew Fisher – The FTC recently reasserted itself into the privacy discussion when it comes to healthcare information. Given the defined scope of HIPAA that does not cover a number of growing areas where healthcare data can be found, it is important to remember that agencies beyond the HHS OCR can act to require protection.

Getting Intentional About Equity

From the AHRQ Blog – Just over 20 years ago, the Institute of Medicine released two seminal reports on the need to improve healthcare quality—one on healthcare disparities, another that emphasized the promise of digital healthcare technologies. Since then, healthcare technology has made significant strides.