Articles by Industry Expert

“What we need is more regulation . . .”

By David Harlow – We are awash in digital health data. And we are awash in multiple regulatory schemas designed to protect privacy, security and appropriate access to all this data. Some data is “traditional” health care data governed by the familiar patchwork of federal and state statutes and regulations (rhymes with “HIPAA”).

Web Tool Reduced Medical Missteps During Hospital-Shift Changes: Study Says

By Shefali Luthra – It’s 4 p.m., and if you’re a hospital patient, that could be one of the most critical times of the day. Your doctor’s shift just ended, and someone new will take over your care. How these professionals communicate could have major repercussions for your recovery. Those shift changes, also known as handoffs, are prime opportunities for key information about a patient’s condition to get lost in the shuffle.

4 Tactics for Secure Clinical Communication and Collaboration

By Terry Edwards – At Becker’s Hospital Review Annual CIO/HIT + Revenue Cycle Summit I discussed the elements needed to truly secure clinical communications with some of the best minds in the healthcare world. With the recent high profile news stories on ransomware attacks in hospitals and health systems, security and the ability to secure clinical information is top of mind for many.

The Rise of Telemedicine

By John Halamka MD – As reimbursement evolves from fee for service to alternative payment models, incentives will shift from treating sickness to keeping the population healthy. New investments will be made in technologies that reach into the home and enhance care team communication. 2016 saw an acceleration of telemedicine/telehealth. 2017 will see exponential growth.