Articles by Industry Expert

Evaluating Blockchain for Health Information Exchange

By John Halamka MD – On March 29th I read a New York Times article about a possible successor to Bitcoin called Ethereum, which provides a distributed database (no central repository) for the purpose of tracking financial transactions. I immediately thought of the challenge we have turning silos of medical information into a linked, complete, accurate, secure, lifetime medical record.

Fisher Talking Cybersecurity with Mac McMillan

By Matt Fisher – sits down with Mac McMillan, the Chairman, CEO and co-founder of CynergisTek, Inc., to discuss cybersecurity issues facing the healthcare industry. The discussion focused on ransomware, the role of data in healthcare, which includes where generated and how utilized, and how to manage access to data.

Electronic Records Help in End-Of-Life Plans

By Shefali Luthra – In a perfect world, patients with advance directives would be confident that their doctors and nurses, no matter where they receive care, could know in a split second their end-of-life wishes. But this ideal is still in the distance. Patients’ documents often go missing in maze-like files or are rendered unreadable by incompatible software.