Articles by Industry Expert

Renewed Focus on HIPAA Privacy

By Matt Fisher – The HIPAA Privacy Rule is an aspect of HIPAA that does not necessarily receive much attention. Most of the recent settlements and breach actions related to violations of the HIPAA Security Rule. The Security Rule offers more glamour from the press perspective because cybersecurity, hacking and other activities attract headlines.

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Reflections on CMS and the Successful Implementation of ICD-10

By Andy Slavitt – It was early 2015 and we had just gotten through a second successful season with, the turnaround that originally brought me into government, when the articles and letters started flying on our next big implementation – one that would affect nearly every physician and hospital in the country. And, anxiety levels were high.

Team Approach to Patient Care Between Visits

By John Smithwick – In the past few years, knowing what happens to patients between visits or after acute episodes hasn’t been a priority for provider organizations. As more and more reimbursements are tied to quality measures and outcomes, organizations are finding it vital to know the health status of their populations so they can spot problems earlier and intervene sooner to prevent the need for costly procedures.

FDA Encourages Interoperability – Factors for Healthcare IT to Consider

By Jonathan Draper – Every day, hospitals and health systems across the country struggle with exchanging patient data between electronic health records, PACS and other health information systems. In a recent survey, for example, accountable care organizations (ACOs) cited lack of interoperability as their number one challenge to achieving improved, patient-centered care.

Why Do We Need a New Operating System for Effective Shared Care Plans?

By Robert Rowley MD – The way we pay for healthcare is changing. The transition from fee-for-service (“fee for volume”) to value-based care is beginning to take shape, and will do so increasingly in the next few years. Federal pressures as well as private industry pressures are driving this change, as reviewed nicely in a white paper by Houlihan Lokey, “Value-Based Care.”