Articles by Industry Expert

Dispatch from HIMSS

By John Halamka MD – Every year I walk the HIMSS floor and speak at HIMSS events with the hope that I can distill the conference sensory overload into a few key themes. In the recent past, big data, interoperability, personalized medicine, population health, and wearables were buzzwords in every booth. This year, the buzzwords were replaced by one overarching concept – providers and vendors must innovate or die.

Telehealth: The Key to Improving Physician Workflow and Patient Care

By Mike Sutter – Several different ‘flavors’ of telehealth have developed over the years, with varying degrees of popularity and adoption. Some hospitals have telehealth systems in an emergency room, allowing ER physicians to communicate directly with physicians at another site. Other hospitals have specialty physicians who leverage telehealth visits from one health facility to another.

Shared Care Plans and Utilization Management

By Robert Rowley MD – Utilization Management (UM) is ubiquitous in healthcare. It is a system of authorizations for procedures and some referrals, for the determination of medical necessity vs. elective, cosmetic or experimental procedures, for determining bed-day allowances in hospitals, and for establishing preferred drug formularies.

The Pillars of the BIDMC IT Strategic Plan

By John Halamka MD – Communicating the IT strategic plan is one of the primary responsibilities of a CIO. Most importantly, the IT strategic plan should be seen as an enterprise wide activity and not just an IT centric exercise. IT should be an enabler for the strategy of the business and every IT tactic should tie back to a high priority of the business.

Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources & Patient Matching

By Adam Culbertson – The promise of EHRs is that they will improve quality and lower cost. The basis of this claim is in part due to a presumption of EHR interoperability. Patient matching has been identified as a critical barrier to interoperability. Patient matching refers to the act of accurately linking individuals to their health data located in various disparate electronic health databases.