Articles by Industry Expert

Fee Schedule Dos and Don’ts

By Renzi Russell – What if I told you that your practice is missing out on revenue because of an outdated fee schedule? Would you know how to fix it? Unfortunately, many practices are losing revenue because of their fee schedule and they don’t know that updating it would improve their bottom line.

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Hackers on FHIR

By Keith Boone – One recent concern about FHIR that has crossed several different list servers recently is that of making patient health data more readily hackable. In one scenario, the concern goes: If we make patient data more accessible via FHIR, that will also make it more likely to be hacked. Another scenario goes:

Health IT and the Limits to Analogies

By William Hersh MD – Many who write and talk about health IT, including myself, are fond of using analogies. One of the most common analogies that we use is that of the banking industry. I have noted that I can insert my Wells Fargo ATM card into just about any ATM in the world and receive out local currency.

Enabling Nationwide Interoperability

By John Halamka MD & Micky Tripathi – It’s been over 10 years since ONC head David Brailer and HHS Secretary Tommy Thompson published the “The Decade of Health Information Technology”, one of the goals of which was to create a “a new network to link health records nationwide.”

Security & Compliance are Executive Responsibilities

By Mike Semel – By the time you read the ransom note it is too late for your patients/clients, your organization’s reputation, and maybe your career. But it doesn’t have to be. You can deal with Security and Compliance at the executive level now, and invest adequate attention and resources.