Articles by Industry Expert

Interoperability: The Buzzword For HIMSS16

By Allen Abshire – Tens of thousands of health IT professionals and industry leaders are making their final preparations for the trek to Las Vegas for the 2016 HIMSS Annual Conference, and I am one of them. I look forward to it because it’s a virtual breeding ground for innovative ideas and technology that serve as inspiration to an HIE Operations Director like me.

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HIMSS 2016: Healthcare Security For Tomorrow

By Mac McMillan – At HIMSS16 I will have the pleasure of taking the stage with two healthcare CISOs who are passionate about their craft and working to make a difference in their organizations, Chuck Kesler of Duke Medicine and Jay Adams of Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare. We’ll be talking about: HIPAA compliance and cybersecurity.

Practice Management in Today’s Healthcare World

By Lisa Gouin – Speaking as someone who was a practice manager for 15 years, this is perhaps one of the most mentally demanding positions in our country today. That being said, it may also be one of the most rewarding should you choose to positively embrace the current transformation as we head into a new era of practicing healthcare.

Healthcare Predictions for 2016

By John Kelly & Jay Sultan – Between the payer consolidations, the long-awaited transition to ICD-10 and the shift toward value-based care, healthcare saw major changes begin to take hold in 2015. Coming off the momentum of the previous year, we can expect even more – especially as providers begin to take on more and more risk.

Health IT Challenges in Transition

By Chuck Deckert & Neil Treister MD – As payment for healthcare services continues to shift from fee-for-service to value-based care, significant decisions loom for physician-based groups and other healthcare organizations. We believe that the clinical integration of HIT systems is the most effective path to address the inevitable payment shift and facilitate effective population health management.