Articles by Industry Expert

Privacy in Healthcare: A State of Confusion

By Matt Fisher – With the start of a new year, it seems like a good time to take stock of privacy of healthcare information, which is currently a very hot topic. As was discussed in great detail, 2015 saw a continuing explosion of breaches concerning healthcare information, which put both privacy and security in the limelight.

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Industry Predicts Health IT in 2016

Now that the holidays are behind us and the new year is upon us, we can settle in to what’s in store. Healthcare costs, interoperability, EHRs, and patient engagement are not going anywhere and will continue to be in the spotlight. Here are what some of the the leaders in the industry are expecting this year.

Looking Ahead in 2016

By Matt Patterson MD – With a new year just getting started, most realists recognize that for all intents and purposes ACA is here to stay. No matter what discourse has transpired or how the next presidential election turns out, we are down a path of value-based care with no turning back.

Cybersecurity: An Essential Focal Point

By Matt Fisher – Every industry, whether it be healthcare, financial, or anything else, is under constant attack or threat to digital information. This is not news, especially in light of the numerous stories about breaches from Target to Hyatt Hotels to voter databases to health insurers and more.

A Primer on FHIR

By Paula Braun – Not long ago, health records were paper files locked away in cabinets. Thanks to advancements in technology and national incentives, these records are largely digitized and their roles have evolved beyond a means of documenting care. Now, people look to data captured in electronic health records (EHRs) to create a deeper understanding of wellness and diseases, identify threats to public health, and determine what interventions work best for whom.

Annual Reflections at the End of 2015

By William Hersh – As regular readers of this blog know, I traditionally end each year with a posting reflecting back on the past year. While this year has been another great success for myself and our informatics program at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), it has been somewhat of a transitional year for the informatics field. Many of the new and exciting initiatives in the informatics field from recent years are no longer novel, with some now settling into “midlife” and others being called out for retirement.