Articles by Industry Expert

A Look Ahead at 2016: Top 3 Industry Predictions

By Eric Nilsson – Whether they were highlights or lowlights, healthcare stories dominated the news in 2015. The skyrocketing cost of prescription drugs, expanded medical coverage, the meltdown of blood-testing startup Theranos and the arrest of pharmaceutical industry entrepreneur Martin Shkreli, criticized for raising the price of life-saving drugs, were some of the stories that took center stage.

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Is Becoming an ACO the Right Choice For You?

By Don Michaels PhD – One of the key concepts to rise out of the turbulent past decade in the healthcare industry is the Accountable Care Organization (ACO). In the ACO model, private and government payers offer the opportunity for financial incentives to groups of providers to encourage them to come together voluntarily to deliver high quality while keeping costs down.

Volume is Only One of the Four “V”s of Big Data, Especially for the Right Data

By William Hersh MD – One widely accepted definition of Big Data is that it entails four “V”s: volume, velocity, variety, and veracity. In other words, Big Data is defined by there being a great deal of it (volume), coming at us rapidly and continuously (velocity), taking many different forms and types (variety), and originating from trustworthy sources (veracity).

The ONC 2016 Standards Advisory

By John Halamka MD – ONC recently released the 2016 Standards Advisory. I think this document is more important than Meaningful Use or Certification in accelerating interoperability. Why? Many view Meaningful Use as no longer aligned with the work we need to do for population health, care management, and alternative payment models.

The Evidence Base for Health Information Exchange

By William Hersh MD – One of my major projects over the last couple years has been a systematic review of the research that has been conducted on health information exchange (HIE). I wrote about this project when it first started and when our protocol for the review was posted for public comment.

2016 Predictions for Health IT from John Halamka

By John Halamka MD – As the year ends and we archive the accomplishments and challenges of 2015, it’s time to think about the year ahead. Will innovative products and services be social, mobile, analytics, and cloud (SMAC)? Will wearables take off? Will clinicians be replaced by Watson? Here are my predictions: