Articles by Industry Expert

Medicare Drug Spending Dashboard

By Andy Slavitt & Niall Brennan – Just over a month ago, HHS convened a forum that brought together consumers, providers, employers, manufacturers, health insurance companies, representatives from state and federal government, and other stakeholders to discuss ideas on how our country can meet the dual imperatives of encouraging drug development and innovation, while ensuring access and affordability.

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2015: The Health Care Year in Review

By David Blumenthal MD & David Squires – When it comes to historic changes in the U.S. health care system, few years could compete with 2014, but 2015 gave it a run for its money. With 2016 knocking at the door, it’s time to take a look back and round up the biggest health care events of the year.

2015 Year in Review for the FHA

December brings with it holidays, colder weather (usually), and the chance to sit back and review the 2015 calendar year. It was a busy year for our federal partners and FHA as teams focused on numerous projects and deliverables, including the Healthcare Directory, Patient Consent & Authorization, Directed Exchange, and the Enterprise Architecture.

The State of Information Security 2015

By John Halamka MD – When I wrote about the most important healthcare IT stories of 2015 (such as ICD-10 and Meaningful Use), I did not include a discussion of Information Security. That’s because security deserves its own post. Increasingly complex threats and an array of new security technology, policy, and education projects consumed us all in 2015.