Articles by Industry Expert

The Path Forward for Meaningful Use

By John Halamka MD – My assessment of the current Meaningful Use program and a proposal to better serve the needs of stakeholders. I’m likely going to violate many rules with this post. First, it’s over 1500 words, which is not ideal for social media. Second, there are many who will find my conclusions politically unpopular. I’m not criticizing people, I’m just commenting on ideas.

A Med School Teaches Science And Data Mining

By Julie Rovner – Medicine, meet Big Data. For generations, physicians have been trained in basic science and human anatomy to diagnose and treat the individual patient. But now, massive stores of data about what works for which patients are literally changing the way medicine is practiced.

Alfred Hitchcock and the Future of Health IT

By Bennett Lauber – In the classic Alfred Hitchcock film “Rope,” Hitchcock shot continuous scenes for periods lasting up to 10 minutes (the length of the film camera magazine), continuously panning from actor to actor, though most shots in the film wound up being shorter.