Articles by Industry Expert

HIPAA Compliance is a Business Risk

By Art Gross – The practice of medicine is a risky business. There is always the risk that a certain treatment will fail to help a patient. There is a risk of being accused of malpractice. There is a risk of being accused of incorrectly billing a patient, insurance company or government agency.

Why Partnerships are Key to the Science of Patient Input

By Nina L. Hunter PhD & Robert M. Califf MD – We recently announced the first FDA Patient Engagement Advisory Committee (PEAC), supported by the Center of Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH). The Committee will provide advice to the FDA Commissioner on complex issues relating to medical devices, the regulation of devices, and their use by patients.

Misunderstanding Propublica

By Ashish Jha – In July the investigative journalists at ProPublica released an analysis of 17,000 surgeons and their complication rates. Known as the “Surgeon Scorecard,” it set off a firestorm. In the months following, the primary objections to the scorecard have become clearer and were best distilled in a terrific piece by Lisa Rosenbaum.

A Theory of Interoperability

By Keith Boone – Definitions of interoperability surround us, but all the attention in the world to definitions make very little difference in the end. I have a theory that people will believe two systems are interoperable when they can observe that the systems work together in simple ways with little to no effort, and in complex ways with some effort.

OCR Squeezed Between OIG and Funding Restraints

By Art Gross – The Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General has issued a report that is critical of the Office for Civil Rights. OIG concluded that OCR is not fulfilling its responsibility to enforce HIPAA regulations that safeguard protected health information (PHI) and to ensure that organizations protect patient’s privacy.

Navigating the Sea of Innovation

By Nancy Pratt – We are currently at a crossroads in the healthcare industry. Executives are working overtime to try to figure out how to connect and integrate data to best support clinical practice and patient care management. With health systems concerned about balancing both needs, they now need to figure out how to leverage data to get the best value out of their investment.