Articles by Industry Expert

ONC Publishes Final Federal Health IT Strategic Plan 2015-2020

By Karen B. DeSalvo, Gretchen Wyatt, & Matthew Swain – Most people that use GPS navigation apps aren’t concerned with the backend development, the standards used, or whether the app is interoperable with other data sources – people just want to arrive at their destination quickly and safely.

Innovating Interoperability in Healthcare

By Mony Weschler – Innovation in healthcare is critical; it helps enhance quality patient care and improves workflow drastically. However, to encourage the innovation we need in healthcare, a cultural change across the industry is required. Collaborations across the healthcare industry need to occur to improve current processes, and to ensure the patient is the priority in everything we do.

The Changing Role of the CIO

By John Halamka MD – Over my 8 years of blogging (since 10/21/07) I’ve written many posts about IT leadership, career development and re-inventing yourself (something to do every 5-10) years. As a CIO for nearly 20 years, I’ve seen the nature of the role undergo remarkable evolution.

Options for submitting ICD-10 claims electronically on Oct 1

If a provider is unable to submit ICD-10 claims electronically on Oct 1, there are a number of available claim submission options. Health plans have active outreach programs and are working with their respective provider communities to address issues and concerns.

Opening the Spigots of Health Data in the U.S. and UK

By Susannah Fox – I never feel so American as when I’m traveling abroad. And my most recent trip was the pinnacle of this experience since I was representing the U.S. government at the Health and Care Innovation Expo organized by the UK’s National Health System (NHS) in Manchester, England.

The September 2015 HIT Standards Committee

By John Halamka MD – The September 2015 HIT Standards Committee was notable for the naming of new members and for the incorporation of the NwHIN Power Team (Dixie Baker) Standards Maturity model in all of ONC’s planning. Ten members of the committee reached their term limit in June.

The Auditors Are Coming, The Auditors Are Coming!!

By Matt Fisher – After waiting with bated breath for almost a year, the day when full scale HIPPA audits will start is almost here. During a keynote address the the HIPAA Security Conference co-hosted by the HHS Office for Civil Rights and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (“NIST”), OCR Director Jocelyn Samuels revealed that the day when audits will start is getting closer.