Articles by Industry Expert

Debating HITECH’s Influence on EHR Use

By Steve Spearman. Earlier this summer, the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA) published a paper titled Impact of the HITECH act on physicians’ adoption of electronic health records, that analyzed how well HITECH has incentivized doctors to make the leap into EHR.

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$750,000 HIPAA Fine Offers Valuable Lessons

By Art Gross – On September 2, 2015 The HHS Office of Civil Rights (OCR) issued a press release announcing a $750,000 HIPAA settlement with Cancer Care Group, P.C. This large fine offers some very important lessons. Let’s take a closer look:

OpenFDA Makes Medical Device-Related Data Easier to Access and Use

By Taha Kass-Hout, Roselie A. Bright & Ann Ferriter – OpenFDA is releasing information on medical devices that could spur innovation and advance scientific research. OpenFDA’s Application Programming Interface (API) expands on the previous openFDA resources concerning medical device-related adverse events and recalls by incorporating information from the medical device product life cycle.

Breaches, Breaches, Everywhere

By Matt Fisher – It often seems as though a day does not go by without the report of a new breach of healthcare data. Examples of breaches include loss of unencrypted devices (whether laptops, flash drives or other devices), usage of non-secure services, inattention to paper records, employee snooping, and more.

Usability, Accessibility and Telehealth

By Bennett Lauber. Having these two events at the same time is rather inconvenient because we’d really like to be in full attendance for both of these. However, seeing both of these show up on my Outlook calendar on the same week got me thinking about usability and accessibility in telehealth.