Articles by Industry Expert

Interoperability: Man vs Machine

By Edgar Wilson – Achieving interoperability is not just a technical hurdle: it is a challenge to the thinking of medical professionals. With all the current burdens how to get an already overburdened professional class to provide more collaborative care?

Is there a Difference Between Informatics and Data Science?

By William Hersh MD – I am increasingly asked to describe the difference between data science and biomedical informatics. Distinguishing these disciplines takes on added importance with the recent publication of the NIH Advisory Committee to the Director, National Library of Medicine (NLM) Working Group, report on the future of the NLM, which calls for NLM to become a leader in data science at NIH.

The Cloud is Good, But Know Where Data Go

By Matt Fisher – A recent settlement announcement from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights (“OCR”) highlights the need to evaluate web-based applications and storage solutions. Web-based or cloud solutions are viable options and tools for healthcare entities to utilize, but those tools need to evaluated for compliance with HIPAA security requirements.