Articles by Industry Expert

Shifting Our Thinking to Prepare for the Future

By Matt Patterson MD – While health systems are facing the need to provide better outcomes at a lower cost, there is only so much that can be achieved through consolidation, incentives, and standardization. Most recognize that in order to continue moving the needle on cost, hospitals and health systems will require fundamental redesign in the way care is provided.

Health and Electronic Security

By Matt Fisher – The rapid adoption of electronic health records (“EHR”) and other new technology in healthcare has resulted in the introduction of serious security threats. Numerous stories and reports have made it clear that hackers, criminals and others view the healthcare industry as a ripe target due to security vulnerabilities. This issue is exacerbated by the high value placed upon medical records in the black market.

Standards Alone are not the Answer for Interoperability

By David McCallie – I have been honored to have served on the HIT Standards Committee from its beginning in 2009. As I reach my term limits, I have reflected on what we have all learned over the past six years of helping to define the standards for the certified EHR technology that lies behind the Meaningful Use program.

More on Usability

By William Hyman – The recent ONC webinar on “EHR Usability & Health IT Safety” provided three interesting presentations on the design of EHRs and the influence of design on effective use.