Articles by Industry Expert

Why Health Information Must Be Available Where and When Consumers Need It

By Angela Kennedy – One year ago, I found myself putting in relentless effort to compile an accurate medical record for my daughter after she was diagnosed with the genetic disease Cystic Fibrosis at age 11. I experienced many frustrations in my attempt to gather my child’s medical records. Due to an incorrect entry in my daughter’s medical record, the inheritable condition was overlooked.

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Are Patients Willing To Use Portals?

By Jonathan Catley – More and more, doctors and patients are relying on the internet to interact with each other. Using healthcare portals accessible on the web has revolutionized communication and substantially reduced the number of phone calls that are needed.

3 Steps: Drive Your Compliance Checkup Using the OIG Work Plan

By Robert Freedman – According to a report to Congress, that’s the amount returned to Uncle Sam in FY2014 as a result of healthcare oversight and investigations conducted by the Office of Inspector General (OIG). Avoiding this type of negative impact to cash flow and the bottom line is a matter of revenue integrity and is a high priority to most healthcare organizations.

Technology Standards and Considering the User

By Matt Gretczko. Meaningful use – it’s a huge buzz word, and rightfully so. Whether you agree or disagree with the manner in which it has been “implemented” (and the intricacies of the guidelines), it has been a driving factor in pushing healthcare organizations towards greater technology adoption. Money, especially in Healthcare, remains a rather significant momentum driver for many organizations.