Articles by Industry Expert

Ebola Epidemic Highlights the Need for ICD-10

By Adam Lokeh & Kathy Lindstrom – When the first U.S. Ebola patient was admitted to a Dallas hospital in the summer of 2014, the ensuing media firestorm scrutinized nearly every aspect of the U.S. healthcare system’s readiness to deal with an epidemic that had already left thousands dead and dying overseas.

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AHRQ Data and New Guide Highlight Need To Reduce Medicaid Readmissions

By Richard Kronick – Over the past several years, hospitals, physicians, and the Federal Government have made it a priority to reduce hospital readmission rates for Medicare patients. While still at an early stage, strategies put into place as part of the Affordable Care Act, such as evidence-based safe care transition practices, are showing good results.

Continuing to Improve Patient Safety in Hospitals

By Patrick Conway – Recently, a Department of Health and Human Services report showed that an estimated 50,000 fewer patients died in hospitals and approximately $12 billion in health care costs were saved as a result of a reduction in hospital-acquired conditions from 2010 to 2013.

Collections Allowed for Pre-Exclusion Services

By Matt Fisher – Advisory Opinion 15-02, issued by the Office of the Inspector General (“OIG”) for the Department of Health and Human Services on February 13, 2015 offers some, albeit minimal, relief for providers excluded from participation on Medicare and other federal healthcare programs.

The Healthcare Delivery Pyramid

By Justin Barnes – There is talk in the medical industry of helping providers practice at the maximum of their licensure. One reason for this is that we don’t have enough primary care physicians, and, in part, can address this gap with physician assistants, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, and a myriad of non-traditional team members like pharmacists and health coaches.