Articles by Industry Expert

Moving from Volume to Value

By Daniel J. Marino – Organizations that begin to incorporate strategies around the “value proposition” will be in the best position to meet industry demands for value-based reimbursement. This will require a dedicated strategic “call to action” across organizations and their provider community.

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Universal Health Data and HIEs

By Robert Rowley, MD. Health information exchange (the verb) has been the goal of health IT, now that we have moved into the “post-EHR adoption” era of healthcare. Published and private surveys have shown that about 80% of physician practices have implemented an Electronic Health Record (EHR)…

A CDRH Priority: Clinical Trials in the US

By Owen Faris & Jeffrey Shuren – At the Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH), clinical trials are the foundation for our decisions to approve the most important medical devices—products that have the potential to save or sustain life, but that also present the greatest risk to patients.

Medicare Payment Change is A-Comin’

By Matt Fisher – The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”) made a major announcement on Monday, January 26th about payment models under Medicare. For the first time and in a very aggressive manner, CMS set a firm timeframe for implementation of alternative payment methodologies. The new timeframe furthers the goals of the Affordable Care Act in changing the manner in which healthcare is delivered and paid for in the country.

Preparing for ICD-10

By Ric Sinclair – ICD-10 is often described in scary terms—a potential disaster, a perfect storm, an angry attacker bent on destroying your practice. OK, maybe not that last one. But as you ready your organization for ICD-10, consider applying some of the principles of Krav Maga.

Compliance and Security of PHI Build a Trustworthy Framework in Healthcare

By Lee Barrett – Some say there’s nothing like a little controversy to spark interest in your organization. Others say there’s no such thing as bad publicity. Call me old fashioned, but I contend, in healthcare, being featured on the Office for Civil Rights’ Wall of Shame or plastered on a news headline about a breach of personal health information (PHI) bad publicity, bad business and bad medicine.