Encryption is coming FAST… so don’t wait
Save $ 1,699,900 with Encryption By Mike Semel Blog: 4Medapproved.com/HITSecurity Twitter: @SemelConsulting A state health department lost an unencrypted hard drive and paid a $…
Read MoreSave $ 1,699,900 with Encryption By Mike Semel Blog: 4Medapproved.com/HITSecurity Twitter: @SemelConsulting A state health department lost an unencrypted hard drive and paid a $…
Read MoreCurrent Certification Criteria are Overly Burdensome By John Halamka, MD As stakeholders in payer, provider, and government communities debate the optimal timing of ICD10, Meaningful…
Partnership Will Entail Two Laboratories William Hersh, MD, Professor and Chair, OHSU Blog: Informatics Professor Our Department of Medical Informatics & Clinical Epidemiology (DMICE) at Oregon Health…
MU Requires Clinical Decision Support William A. Hyman Professor Emeritus, Biomedical Engineering Texas A&M University, w-hyman@tamu.edu Read other articles by this author Meaningful Use, as…
How Strong is Your HIPAA Compliance? By Mike Semel Blog: 4Medapproved.com/HITSecurity Twitter: @SemelConsulting The Meaningful Use program can help offset technology costs or could cost…
What Kind of IT is Needed? Robert Rowley, MD Twitter: @RRowleyMD The trend toward value based payment for healthcare services is gaining momentum. For better…
Third Annual NY eHealth Collaborative Digital Health Conference By Sarianne Gruber, MPH, MS SG Healthcare Analytics LLC Thanks to an invitation from HITECH Answers, I…
Clinical Quality Measures a Problem Spot in Certification By John Halamka, MD I’ve written several posts about the frustrating aspects of Meaningful Use Stage 2…
Can or Should Informatics Education Adopt Them? William Hersh, MD, Professor and Chair, OHSU Blog: Informatics Professor There are major changes taking place in the…