Gov’t shutdown hits HHS, ONC hard
By Tom Sullivan, Editor, Government Health IT Twitter: @GovHITEditor The resurrected phrase in Washington on Tuesday is “orderly phase-down and suspension of operations.” Midnight Monday arrived without…
Read MoreBy Tom Sullivan, Editor, Government Health IT Twitter: @GovHITEditor The resurrected phrase in Washington on Tuesday is “orderly phase-down and suspension of operations.” Midnight Monday arrived without…
Read MoreRobert Rowley, MD Twitter: @RRowleyMD The Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) recently released guidelines to address the question of consent when it comes…
Being HIPAA Compliant is a Journey By Mike Semel Blog: Twitter: @SemelConsulting So, September 23, 2013, the HIPAA Omnibus Final Rule Enforcement Deadline, has come and…
Electronic Bad Advice COMMENTARY William A. Hyman Professor Emeritus, Biomedical Engineering Texas A&M University, Read other articles by this author Meaningful Use requires the…
HIPAA Business Associate Role is Based on Services By Mike Semel Blog: Twitter: @SemelConsulting The question about a lawyer or an accountant being a HIPAA Business…
Is Your Workflow Just a Product of Your EHR? COMMENTARY William A. Hyman Professor Emeritus, Biomedical Engineering Texas A&M University, Read other articles by…
By Tom Sullivan, Editor, Government Health IT Twitter: @GovHITEditor When Mike Taylor was shopping for a new electronic health record system, vendors boldly sat across the…
William Hersh, MD, Professor and Chair, OHSU Blog: Informatics Professor A recent study of work hours of medical interns in the new era of duty…
Robert Rowley, MD Twitter: @RRowleyMD We have come a long way, in the past several years, in our efforts to bring health care data into…