Articles by Industry Expert

People and Operational Controls as Attack Vectors

By Kyle Neuman – Part 4 of 5. In the previous two blog posts of this series on identity credentials, we discussed identity proofing and authentication. This blog post will focus on an attack of the operational controls of an identity system. This is the third and final attack that we’ll consider for Risk Category 2, nefarious impersonation.

Harnessing the Power of Nonclinical Savings

By Susan Tyler – I recently had the privilege of attending the IDN Summit and Reverse Expo 2023. At the event, LogicSource hosted a series of focus groups titled, “Reducing Non-Clinical Costs to Improve Operating Margins and Fund Patient Care Initiatives.” Participating in these enlightening discussions provided fresh perspectives on a critical industry challenge:

Stolen Authenticators

By Kyle Neuman – Part 3 of 5 – In a continuation of our Identity Credential Risk series, we focus on stolen authenticators. We previously outlined the difference between Identity Credentials and Unique Identifiers and risks of Identity Fraud, Impersonation, and Misissuance.

AHRQ’s Digital Healthcare Research Program

By Chris Dymek EdD – We know that digital healthcare technologies hold the promise of advancing healthcare quality, safety, and effectiveness. Improving performance in each of these areas is critical to AHRQ’s mission. But without rigorous research, we can’t determine which digital technologies truly help deliver better patient care.