Articles by Industry Expert

AHRQ’s Digital Healthcare Research Program

By Chris Dymek EdD – We know that digital healthcare technologies hold the promise of advancing healthcare quality, safety, and effectiveness. Improving performance in each of these areas is critical to AHRQ’s mission. But without rigorous research, we can’t determine which digital technologies truly help deliver better patient care.

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Identity and Patient Matching

By Scott Stuewe – Part 6 of 6 – As I mentioned in my introduction, patient matching doesn’t work terribly effectively today. The problem has its root in the identity challenges we have been discussing, although it is important to separate the patient matching challenge from trust-in-identity – these are related, but not congruent topics.

FDA’s IT Strategy: Unlocking Potential, Leading Transformation

By Vid Desai & Jessica N. Berrellez – The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has released its comprehensive FDA Information Technology Strategy for Fiscal Years 2024 to 2027 (IT Strategy), marking a defining roadmap for the agency’s technological advancement and the alignment with its broader public health mission.

Cost of Healthcare Services

By Matt Fisher – Without taking time to think about an answer, what first comes to mind when asked where the cost for healthcare services is the highest? In or connected to a hospital is the usual answer. Is that the correct answer? It can be complicated (as everything in healthcare usually is), but there are more than a few grains of truth and accuracy to the answer.