Articles by Industry Expert

ACO Quality Changes Stall Drive to the Future

By Megan Reyna MSN RN & Jennifer Gasperini – ACOs will be required to report MIPS CQMs by 2025. CMS stated goal in transitioning to these new reporting approaches is to decrease administrative burden by replacing CMS’ existing manual reporting system, with electronic quality reporting.

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The Real Reason Hospitals Hate Physician-Owned Hospitals

By David Burda – Businesses in healthcare run like businesses in any other industry. It’s all about market leverage and who has the upper hand. When you have market leverage and the upper hand, you can charge more for your goods and services without feeling the competitive pressure to improve your goods and services.

Six Standards Advance as Part of SVAP 2023

By Rob Anthony – ONC published the Approved Standards for 2023 as part of ONC’s annual Standards Version Advancement Process. The SVAP is designed to make the ONC Health IT Certification Program (the Program) responsive to industry needs and better aligned with standards version advancement.

Enhancing Healthcare With Increased Language Access

By Art Gross – Language barriers can pose significant challenges when it comes to delivering healthcare to limited English proficiency patients. Recognizing the importance of language access in healthcare settings, HHS releases a comprehensive report outlining strategies to improve language access services.