Articles by Industry Expert

Don’t Post That

By Matt Fisher – Social media and healthcare can be a productive combination, but not when patient information is involved. The power and reach of social media are nothing new, nor is the concern about the ready ability to spread misinformation.

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Healthcare Savings — Lies and Punchlines

By David Burda – Healthcare executives always lie about why they did what they did, whether what they did is a merger, acquisition, affiliation or strategic partnership. The only correct answer is “for economic reasons.” They made a deal to preserve revenue or profits or to increase revenue or profits. That’s it. Sorry.

Five Reasons Drug Costs are So High

By Tom Dorsett – Drug costs are skyrocketing, but why? First we must understand the cause of high drug costs in order to properly address the problem. For more than twenty-five years, I’ve seen drug costs grow and dominate pharmacy budgets across the United States.