Articles by Industry Expert

Pushing for MedTech Innovation in 2023

By Devin Partida – IT professionals in every sector have a duty to accelerate technological innovation. Medtech is a unique industry rife with outdated tools while being the most desperate for advancement to meet a growing population’s increasingly complex health needs.

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Biosimilars, Saving Costs on Specialty Drugs

By Tom Dorsett – As of April 2023, the FDA has approved the use of 40 “biosimilars”, which are a less expensive version of an advanced “biologic” medication. The rise of biosimilars is a major source of excitement as a way to control rising drug costs. But is the fervor warranted?

The Power of Trust

By Matt Fisher – What is trust? It can be something very simple, but also difficult to obtain and quantify at the same time. At its root, trust is about knowing that someone or something can be counted upon. The assurance exists that there is a mutual support and a desire to help each other.

What Are They Saying About ViVE 2023?

Energy, innovation, networking, food, drinks, graffiti art, local live music, industry leaders, puppies, foundations, give-aways, swag, pink socks, and more. In case you missed ViVE in Nashville this year.